The Limitless Consulting Group
42 White Avenue
West Hartford, CT 06119-2232
860-324-7647 – Cell


Training Programs Available - Listed Alphabetically

Career Management – this program focuses on the skills participants need to manage their careers within the organization as well as exploring opportunities outside the organization.  Topics include skills, traits, and values assessments, networking, writing resumes and cover letters, interviewing, and negotiating the job offer.

Creative Problem Solving – this program provides the participant with a variety of techniques and methods for identifying solutions and solving problems for both individuals and groups.
Improving Communication Effectiveness – this program looks at various aspects of the communication process including verbal and non-verbal communication, listening, and feedback.  Methods for communicating assertively are also presented.

Harassment and Bullying – this program looks at various aspects of harassment and bullying in the workplace and steps that can be taken to address the issues and prevent future occurrences.

Improving Communication Effectiveness – this program looks at various aspects of the communication process including verbal and non-verbal communication, listening, and feedback. Methods for communicating assertively are also presented.

Interviewing Skills – this program provides participants with the skills needed to be more effective at interviewing candidates for positions within their organizations.  Heavy emphasis is placed on behavior based interviewing.  Participants have the opportunity to practice interviewing.

Managerial Skills – this program provides participants with an overview and covers the basic skills needed by most managers.  Topics include: time management, communication, motivation, conflict management, and performance appraisal.

Performance Appraisal – this program present the concept of performance appraisal with an emphasis on setting measurable objectives and providing a framework for individuals to perform and be evaluated as objectively as possible.

Presentation Skills – this program provides participants with the tools needed to more effectively make presentations, including vocal qualities, using transparencies, eye contact, and more. It can include a video portion where participants are videotaped making presentations and feedback is provided.

Project Management – this program looks at the whole realm of managing projects from start to finish.  The breadth of the program will be determined by the number of sessions requested.

Recruit and Retain Personnel – this program focuses on how to get candidates into the organization, how to identify the “best” ones, and how to keep them once they are hired.

Strategic Planning – this program can be presented in two ways.  First, it can be a training session on how to do strategic planning. Second, it can be a facilitated strategic planning session where members of an organization work on the development of a plan.

Stress Management – this program helps the participants identify their sources of stress and then provides techniques and methods for more effectively managing their stress.

Team Building – participants in this program learn the differences between groups and teams and have opportunities to experience both.

Time Management – this program is designed to help people manage their time more effectively. Techniques are provided.

Train the Trainer – this program is aimed at individuals who have the responsibility for developing, designing, and delivering training programs.

Other Custom Programs – other programs are available including morale and attitude surveys; facilitation of meetings, brainstorming sessions, and staff retreats, etc.

Success Insights®

A variety of behavior-based assessment instruments that help organizations improve working relationships between managers and employees, between co-workers, increase the effectiveness of the staffing process, improve sales, and more. Some of the assessments are based on DISC (Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Compliance). The information in this report can be applied to a variety of tasks within the work environment. These include:

• Staffing and Job Selection
• Benchmarking the Work Environment
• Benchmarking Performers for Behavior
• Benchmarking Performers for Values
• Team Development
• Strategic Planning
• Sales Force Training
• Communication

Success Insights® is a registered trademark of Target Training International, Ltd. The Universal Language DISC™ is a trademark of Target Training International, Ltd and its content is a copyright of Target Training International, Ltd.